China inland transportation, China Logistics (China regional logistics)

SAEEUNG Logistics Co.,Ltd Company Name
Country of origin: CHINA
Model number: -
Company location: CHINA Tianjin Jinnan

Company Name: SAEEUNG Logistics Co.,Ltd
Company Contact: +86 22-8873-4983
Opera Kim Phone number(E-Mail): +86-150-2262-6648 (
Contact SNS : Wechat ID : tjsaeeung  
Opera Kim Phone number(E-Mail): 070-7682-3969 (-)
Contact SNS : Kakaotalk ID :   Wechat ID :   Line ID :
Product introduction

육상 운송



중국내 위치한 내륙운송거점과 물류센터를 중심으로 내륙운송네트워크를 구축하여 고객기업에 최적화된 운송Route를 제공하고 있습니다.

거점간의 셔틀 운송, 혼적 등 고객별 특성에 맞는 맞춤 서비스를 제공하고 있으며, 이러한 서비스 강점을 통하여 고객기업의 화물 운송에 정확성, 적시성, 무결성, 추적성 및 가격 경쟁력을 제공해드리고 있습니다.

About Us

* Company Info


Tianjin Saeeung Internaional Logistics CO.,LTD


No.504, No.7, area a, Milan sunshine garden, Jianguo Street, xianshuigu, Jinnan District, Tianjin



Business license


Establishment's day


Representative man

Opera Kim


Opera Kim

Company form

China Company

Management type

Trade, International logistics

* Detail Info


Trade, international logistics (Korea, China, Vietnam)





Company area


Business partners

Korea, China, foreign enterprise.

Business target

the whole field of industry

Business area

China, Korea, Asia and other countries



Phone number and address

- Company Name : SAEEUNG Logistics Co.,Ltd

- Contact Name(1): Opera Kim

- Mobile phone number : +86-150-2262-6648

- Contact Name(2): Opera Kim

- Mobile phone number : 070-7682-3969

- Homepage:

- Company Contact : +86 22-8873-4983

- Fax number : +86 22-8873-4983

- Company address : No.504, No.7, area a, Milan sunshine garden, Jianguo Street, xianshuigu, Jinnan District, Tianjin

- Company maps :

Please refer to the following information for product inquiries.

Contact information for Product Inquiry

- Company Name : SAEEUNG Logistics Co.,Ltd

- Contact Name(1): Opera Kim

- Contact Name Phone number(1)(E-Mail(1)) : +86-150-2262-6648 (

- Company Contact : +86 22-8873-4983

- Contact Name(2): Opera Kim

- Contact Name(2) Phone number : 070-7682-3969

- Homepage:

- Company Contact : +86 22-8873-4983

- Fax number : +86 22-8873-4983

- Company address : No.504, No.7, area a, Milan sunshine garden, Jianguo Street, xianshuigu, Jinnan District, Tianjin

- Company maps :

- Opera Kim Kakaotalk :

- Opera Kim Wechat : Wechat ID : tjsaeeung

- Opera Kim Line :

Contact supplier

The messages will sent directly to the person in charge of the company that sells the product. The answer can be confirmed on Mypage of Sinoqook